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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Amazing Pictures. Tampilkan semua postingan

Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

One Seeter Open Helicopter

amazing helicopter
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amazing helicopter photos
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amazing helicopter

World’s Largest Horns(Amazing Story)

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largest horns pictures

largest horns photos

This is Lurch, the proud bearer of the world’s largest horns. Lurch is a Watusi bull living in an Animal shelter, whose horns measure 92.25 cm and weigh more than 100 pounds each. He’s quite the attraction in his home state and he’s favorite pass-time is acting as bodyguard for a crippled horse that’s being harassed by fellow horses. He looks amazing doesn’t he?

Historical Photos Of The Second World War

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The Amazing Telescope That Lets You See New York

amazing telescopeLondon waving: Looking down the Telectroscope at Tower Bridge end
amazing telescope photosAliens at City Hall? The London Telectroscope looks like something out of War Of The Worlds

amazing telescope wallpapers
Deep beneath the Atlantic Ocean, forgotten for the best part of a century, lies a tunnel linking London and New York.
It was built on the whim of a Victorian inventor with the aim of linking two great cities and developing the kind of friendship that still exists today.

But bad fortune befell the venture - and the tunnel lay idle ever after.
Until today, that is, when the project was rekindled with a modern twist.
Using a giant "electronic telescope" and state-of-the-art technology, England and America were joined once again when the tunnel entrances were reopened beside Tower Bridge in London and Brooklyn Bridge in New York.
It meant that New Yorkers and Londoners could wave to each other across the sea and begin the kind of mute dialogue that was only a dream all those years ago for eccentric engineering entrepreneur Alexander Stanhope St George (deceased).
Or at least, that's the way the story goes.
What is certain is that now you can indeed stand on the South Bank of the UK end of the 21st century "Telectroscope" - and see someone standing 3,460 miles away across the water.The Telectroscope uses 6ft screens and a Jules Verne style telescope that gleams with brass and an array of Victorian dials. Participants peer into one end of the screen - and hey presto - they can see anyone standing at the other side.
Much of the first few hours of this morning were taken up by bemused-looking Americans gazing cautiously at the antics of the London transatlantic gazers before realising that it wasn't a se

Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Death Mask Of Tutankhamun

The death mask of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun is made of gold inlaid with colored glass
and semiprecious stone. The mask comes from the innermost mummy case in the pharaoh’s
tomb, and stands 54 cm (21 in) high. The emblems on the forehead (vulture and cobra) and
on the shoulders (falcon heads) were symbols of the Two Lands of Upper and Lower Egypt
and of divine authority. The vulture Nekhbet and the cobra Wadjet protected the pharaoh.

Death Mask Of Tutankhamun

Death Mask Of Tutankhamun

Death Mask Of Tutankhamun
Death Mask Of Tutankhamun
Death Mask Of Tutankhamun
Death Mask Of Tutankhamun

Tutankhamun's mummified body was found within three coffins or sarcophagi, each one
within the next. The largest is still in the original tomb in the Valley of the Kings along with
his mummy, but the other two are here. This is the middle coffin, made of wood covered
with gold, semiprecious stones, glass and obsidian.
The inner coffin is made of solid gold and weighs 110 kilograms (which at 2004 prices
makes the gold by itself worth over one and a half million US dollars).

Death Mask Of Tutankhamun
Inner Coffin
Death Mask Of TutankhamunMiddle Coffin
Death Mask Of TutankhamunMiddle Coffin
Death Mask Of TutankhamunThe Egyptian Vulture
The Egyptian vulture is a tool-using bird. Egyptian vultures are specialists in egg-eating.
They are among the only known birds in the world to use stones as tools. They will
repeatedly strike at an abandoned ostrich egg with stones, then use their beak to enlarge
the hole and penetrate membrane. Then it feasts on the oozing interior of the egg. In ancient
Egypt the vulture is considered to be nearer to God who is believed to reside above the sky.

Death Mask Of TutankhamunThe Egyptian Cobra
The ancient Egyptians worshipped the cobra and used it as a symbol on the crown of the
pharaohs. It is used as a protective symbol, the Egyptians believed that the cobra would spit
fire at any approaching enemies. It is also called asp.