Senin, 13 Juni 2011

Busy Busy Days....

I understand that I haven't been updating much lately and I supose probably some of the readers just got bored with what I've left so far. This is not a proper update but I am here to tell you guys that I am really sorry for the slow updates as I've been so tired with so much drama going in my life right now.

Things that I can't say out, things that I can't avoid, everything seems to follow me all the way as much as how much I would like them to go away and leave me in peace. Well I supose life can be a bitch at times and I just feel like the bitch stuck to me for quite some time.

Yet still I wouldn't exactly say that I've had a bad time all the way, as I have my own share of good luck and all. Things at these moment are moving slowly, though I would love for it to pass by me at the pace I would like it to. Unfortunately we can't control time, though we get to choose only the path that we decide to walk on.

I've chosen a path which I am still finding it hard to believe till now how I actually managed to come into terms with. I made a huge step in my life which I don't think I would've done a few months back. Things have split into different chapters right now, with some older chapter being eased of my mine while some new ones come banging at the door.

Seriously, at the rate that I am actually going right now, I don't even know what and where would I be in the next 6 months! That's how crazy things have been with me. Work being as usual BUSY BUSY and just plain BUSY. So after work basically am drained out so I don't really do much after work. Coming home is already quite depressing so with all the drama at work, plus with that of at home I think it's worse than following 90210 series. (90210 fans no offense meant here yea.... *wink*)

 I think I am at the peak of my maturing cycle as everything about me is starting change rapidly. The way I think, I act, I feel and etc seems to be so different compared to me of 6 months ago. And hey, 2011 is just freaking 6 months old?! So much changes in a span of just 6 months is freaky. But I would say that this part of my life seems to be going through new phase.

Falling out of favor with different sets of people, work, love, and etc has made me a whole new person. Going through all these isn't a new thing for me as throughout I have experienced this but every single time it's a whole new experience and now with what I have earned through what life has offered me, I think I am ready to take my life into the next level.

Chasing my dreams have always been a passion for me. And right now, I have a few that I would like to achieve and hopefully with everyone's blessing, I would be able to reach them with flying colours!

So I supose I spoke a bit too much emo stuff already. But I have decided that I would wanna let my readers know more about me little by little from here. I would really love to meet everyone of you because I would love to get feedbacks, and also work harder to be better for you all! I have also been wondering if I should take up a writing job that was offered to me recently. What do you all think? Think I can handle that? Please let me know.... =)

And for next post would be about the awesome team outing I had with my colleagues at Sunway Lagoon Theme Park! Still waiting for the pics to be up so I could write about it. So hopefully in the next few days, they will be up. *wink* Cheer people!

Psst : Don't bother those pics. I just love them cz I think they are so adorable!! XD